You owe it to yourself to take charge of your professional development. Leadership roles are often given to the people who look and act the part – and looking and acting the part is conveyed through your communication skills.
Here are 3 ways to supercharge your growth in this area!
#1) Invest in communications coaching
With all the job responsibilities that you manage, staying focused on your career development can easily be overlooked. Working with a communications coach is the best way to increase your commitment and hold yourself accountable. A mentor will make you aware of your performance and provide insight and expertise on how to correct, adapt, and improve.
One of the many benefits of communications coaching is improved self-awareness. Working with a coach will make you aware of the areas that need improvement, but perhaps more importantly and even more beneficial, is that you will learn specifically where you are viewed as a successful communicator. With the help of a coach, you can then enhance those abilities and put them to work for you more frequently.
Ty Boyd Inc., offers private coaching face-to-face or by video conference. Common coaching topics include executive and management communications, voice improvement, presentation confidence, conversation savvy, body language analysis and professional image development.
Spending a few hours with one of our executive faculty members is an invaluable gift to yourself.
#2) Be kind to yourself when juggling your career and home life
We all have expectations that we think we need to live up to and when we feel that we’ve missed the mark, we tend to get overly judgmental with ourselves. Your home and work worlds are constantly changing and colliding; try as you might, there is no perfect balance. But there are ways to organize your career to bring more harmony to your home so that everyone is happy – especially you.
At Ty Boyd Inc., our faculty coach our clients to do something everyday to improve their communication skills. It may seem small when you are in the thick of it, but daily consistent practice will amount to something big down the road. There is no doubt, communication skills become more polished with practice.
The same can be said of a work-life balance. It can be achieved through small, consistent, everyday changes that cumulatively will optimize your job performance and overall well-being. But keep in mind that achieving a work-life balance is a journey and that your needs will be different at different times in your life.
Set aside some time to reflect on your current work-life balance. What you would like it to be? And what is the plan to get there?
#3) Challenge yourself
You will never achieve a fraction of what you are capable of by sticking to the safe and comfortable. Being content at work is no way to advance your career. Instead, take on responsibilities that are not normally expected of you. Put yourself out there and you will reap the rewards.
Challenging yourself is one of the best ways to grow as a person and to increase the quality of your life. Whether you challenge yourself mentally, emotionally or physically, you will change as a result of stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone. Start small – choose something that lets you test the waters of uncertainty, but feels doable, and then dive in. Once you accomplish the challenge, choose another.
Your confidence will grow each time you challenge yourself and succeed. But accept the fact that some of challenges may not end with the results you want. Even when that happens, the challenge will still serve as an opportunity to learn from and persevere.
Looking back and saying, “I wish I had…” will haunt you forever. Besides, you won’t know if something is truly outside of your skill set until you actually try it. Challenging yourself ensures that you won’t look back and regret being too scared to try.
If you’re serious about advancing your skills and making an investment in yourself, we invite you to our Excellence in Speaking Institute. Classes are back in person and filling up quickly so don’t delay! Visit this page to read feedback from our graduates about their experience.