Public Speaking Tips and Training Videos

Video content to help growth-minded professionals, produced by Ty Boyd, Inc.

Quick tips to help you become a more effective speaker.

Power up your presentation skills with these quick tips. We recommend prioritizing practice reps focused on each one of these tactics so that they begin to become second nature. 

Video Playlist
1/13 videos
It&#039s Not About You - Molly Hunt
It's Not About You - Molly Hunt
Thinking On Your Feet - Dave Reinhardt
Thinking On Your Feet - Dave Reinhardt
The Power of the Pause - Eliza Gellman
The Power of the Pause - Eliza Gellman
Body Language and Using Your Voice - Molly Hunt
Body Language and Using Your Voice - Molly Hunt
Practice Makes Progress - Eliza Gellman
Practice Makes Progress - Eliza Gellman
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome - Dave Reinhardt
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome - Dave Reinhardt
Ace The Q&A Portion of Your Presentation - Dave Reinhardt
Ace The Q&A Portion of Your Presentation - Dave Reinhardt
Don&#039t Tell The Audience What They Already Know - John Lowe
Don't Tell The Audience What They Already Know - John Lowe
Prioritize The Open And The Close - John Lowe
Prioritize The Open And The Close - John Lowe
Present With More Comfort And Confidence Online - Dave Reinhardt
Present With More Comfort And Confidence Online - Dave Reinhardt
The Grabber Open and Power Close - Carlyn Lawson
The Grabber Open and Power Close - Carlyn Lawson
Inform, Engage, and Entertain - John Lowe
Inform, Engage, and Entertain - John Lowe
Stay Connected With Your Eyes - Carlyn Lawson
Stay Connected With Your Eyes - Carlyn Lawson

Recorded webinars to improve your communication and public speaking.

At Ty Boyd, Inc., we believe webinars are an effective way to introduce paradigm-shifting concepts to professionals who are actively working to improve their communication and public speaking skills. 

These webinars are not intended to replace our intensive, multi-day training courses or our one-on-one personalized coaching services. Rather, these webinars are intended to provide encouragement and bite-sized learning opportunities that fill the gaps between courses and coaching. 

So, dive in and keep learning! And be sure to join our email list to receive announcements when new webinars become available. 

How to Give Your Best Sales Presentation... EVER.

Do you need help building relationships, moving your business forward, and increasing your bottom line?

Don't waste any more time failing to communicate effectively. Invest 30 minutes in this training and walk away confident, eager to make your next presentation, and ready to see your income increase as a direct result.

Key Takeaways:

  • Why most sales presentations don’t work and how to fix them 
  • How to develop compelling, remarkable presentations that get decision-makers to act 
  • How to perform at your peak when it matters most 
  • The key to a successful first meeting 
  • How to be entertaining while delivering your content 
  • How to use business “stories” to be memorable and engaging 
  • How to be viewed as a trusted advisor instead of a salesperson 

How to Perfect Your Business Presentation & Present Like a Pro

Did you know that an estimated 30 million business presentations are delivered each day worldwide, and most of them are not effective? In fact, 79% of professionals say that most presentations are boring. Are yours?

In this recorded training webinar, we shared a few secrets to becoming an engaging, memorable presenter, so that you can rise above your “boring” competition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Emerge with a thorough understanding of the skills needed to be an effective presenter 
  • Develop your authentic presentation style 
  • Adapt your delivery to your audience  
  • Acquire the skills to look and sound like a trusted advisor 
  • Understand your presentation tools and how to use them 
  • Develop ways to grab your audience’s attention from the start  
  • Learn to use storytelling to enhance your main points 
  • Gain the ability to develop effective, engaging content 

Enable real transformation for your employees.

Great leaders must be effective communicators.

Become a clear, polished, confident communicator with executive communication courses and leadership coaching from Ty Boyd, Inc.

The ROI from our communication courses and leadership coaching is massive.

The successful results you can expect:

Increase Your Sales

Boost Your Income

Develop Your Leaders

Elevate Your Presentations

When you and your team train with Ty Boyd, Inc., you will learn career and life changing communication skills that result in increased sales, increased revenue, increased income, and increased success.

People who attend our Excellence in Speaking Institute course say it's the best personal or professional development course they've ever taken.

It's time for you to make a smart investment in yourself.

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